
» » Space Colony: Steam Edition: Trainer +6 [v1.1]

Space Colony: Steam Edition: Trainer +6 [v1.1]

Welcome to OptikGames.COM! Introducing the trainers for the game Space Colony: Steam Edition! Cheats will allow you to get cheating opportunities in the game, which will make your gameplay much easier. Trainers available from MrAntiFan .

Game description:
Space Colony: Steam Edition for PC is the second (after 2012's Space Colony HD) trial to refresh a classic economic strategy game set in space and once created by the Firefly studio, which is a developer popular mainly for the best-selling Stronghold series. Space Colony: Steam Edition was created by most of the team that developed the original game, with support from the Steam digital distribution platform. Plot & MechanicsThe game is set in a distant future, when humanity begun free exploration of space. The world's largest corporations are competing against one another for the rights to colonize each discovered planet. Blackwater Industries gives an assignment to the player, who is supposed to establish a network of space colonies. In order to achieve this goal, one has to organize the work in the base, but also make sure that the staff is happy enough and efficient at the workplace. It’s not as easy to do, as it may seem however, for most of the player's colonists are different outcasts, who incessantly cause plenty of various problems. The mechanics combine elements of strategies (such as the aforementioned Stronghold) with simulator games, such as the classic The Sims. What is typical for strategy games, the player will have to gather and process resources, as well as construct different buildings, for both military and recreational purposes. Thus the player not only has to earn money, but also take care of security-related issues. Apart from that, one needs to cater their workers’ needs, as each of them has a different personality and individual preferences. Game modesSpace Colony: Steam Edition for PC offers three different modes. Apart from the standard career mode, one can compete against the AI in a series of single missions, but the game also brings a sandbox variant. Technical aspectsIn terms of the visuals, Space Colony: Steam Edition comes with enhanced graphics (present already in the HD edition) with increased field of view, allowing mainly encompassing one's entire colony on one screen. This time however, the creators were focused more on additional content, which resulted in the game's single-player campaign having over 80 missions. The original game's map editor was enriched here with support for Steam Workshop, thus the players can share their creations with others. Among the additions, the player will also find here achievements, collector's cards, and an ability to store one's save files in Steam Cloud.

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Space Colony: Steam Edition: Trainer +6 [v1.1]:

Space Colony: Steam Edition: Trainer +6 [v1.1]

Function list:
• F1 Edit: Max Health Value
• F2 Population
• F3 Instant Drop Altitude
• F4 Instant Produce Units
• F5 Fast Skill Cooldown Reset
• F6 Infinite Crew Member Health

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Date Added:16-02-2021, 21:12
Downloads:Downloaded 10681 times
Verified: users rating (4.79 stars)

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