
» » Sands of Salzaar: Cheats, Trainer +5 [dR.oLLe]

Sands of Salzaar: Cheats, Trainer +5 [dR.oLLe]

If you came to this page, you are most likely looking for working cheats for Sands of Salzaar. Here you can download the trainer for game version 1.0 and higher, which will be an excellent replacement for the codes. You can get some others Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye cheating functions. Trainers available from dR.oLLe .

Game description:
Sands of Salzaar is an action RPG with an open world and combat system based on hack-and-slash productions. The game was developed by the Chinese Han-Squirrel studio. Plot The game takes us to a magical fantasy land, to the giant desert known as Salzaar. The action begins some time after the Battle of the Blood Moon, which led to the fall of the Old Empire. Its lands become a battlefield between many different tribes, trying to use the chaos to create their own domains. The constant fights makes most of humanity too busy to notice that in the shadow of these wars supernatural evil has begun to grow, which can absorb the whole world of mortals. Players take on the role of heroes, whose achievements and decisions will shape the future of the whole land. MechanicsSands of Salzaar is a classic hack-n-slash RPG. Events are observed from an isometric perspective, and the game is mainly about exploring the world, completing tasks, developing the hero and fighting against hordes of enemies using a highly arcade combat system. There are four character classes to choose from, each with its own unique abilities and its own development tree. An open world structure was added to these proven solutions, offering players full freedom to explore the land. The desert is filled with stories and adventures, and our decisions largely shape the campaign. In addition, players can recruit numerous companions. The game allows you to even create real armies and fight great battles with them as in real time strategies, giving orders to individual units and deciding, for example, the formation of troops. Game modes The game offers single player mode only. Technical aspects Sands of Salzaar offers an attractive graphic design, made in a comic book style.

Download Sands of Salzaar trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Sands of Salzaar: Cheats, Trainer +5 [dR.oLLe]:

Sands of Salzaar: Cheats, Trainer +5 [dR.oLLe]

Function list:
- F1 Get All Weapons
- F2 Movement Range
- F3 Energy Blocks
- F4 Instant Level 20
- F5 Set High HP

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Date Added:18-07-2023, 10:57
Downloads:Downloaded 10017 times
Verified: users rating (4.56 stars)

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